Dear Member,
Warmly welcome to the “Bergsmansafton” with Dr. Ian Cope. In his speech Dr. Ian Cope will talk about The Per Geijer iron oxide-apatite deposit which represents a significant modern discovery in Norrbotten County. The speech will be held in English.
Datum: Tuesday 11th April
Tid: 18:30-20:00
Plats: Digital
The Per Geijer iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposit represents a significant modern discovery in Norrbotten County. The mineral Resource lies deep below the surface and along with the principal iron also carries elevated phosphorous (P) and rare earth element (REE) grades. Such a combination shows potential for a future Per Geijer mine to make a significant commercial and strategic contribution to LKAB, Sweden and the European Union. This presentation by Dr. Ian Cope will outline background and planned work together with some of the challenges ahead for the Per Geijer project.
Dr. Ian Cope is an exploration geologist with over 25 years’ international experience within the industry. Since 2002 he has been focused on iron ore geoscience across the mining value chain. Ian joined LKAB in November 2021 as Vice President Exploration and is based in Luleå.
Anmälan senast den 9 april.
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